Sunday, May 13, 2012

Official Release of "Wallz" Video

The Official "Wallz" Music Video. Positive feedback is highly appreciated.Follow us on Twitter@TikTakMontana Twitter@RoQZ_BArEArMS Twitter@ThatSJL

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes of TikTak Montana "Wallz" Video. Supporters from an array of industries were present and participated in the Official "Wallz" Music Video. Following the video blog, TikTak Montana talks about his plans towards national stature."I've been in this game for over 10years now..I've struggled through it all and now it's time...time for this chiko to get back what he put in." He's style of performance,music and personality are elements that made the music video a "Must Watch". His synergy and attitude are just some variables that made the music video get over 1,000 Youtube hits in less than a week!

You can follow TikTak Montana on Twitter@TikTakMontana Twitter@RoQZ_BArEArMS

Follow us on Facebook/StraitJacketLife or Twitter@ThatSJL

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chicano Park

Attended the 5 de Mayo event in San Diego. Follow us on twitter@ThatSJL